Below you will find answers to common questions regarding Cultural Group Benefits’ Group Term Life Insurance Plan. If you have any questions that are not addressed below, seek please contact us.

Why are cultural associations adopting cultural group term life insurance plans?

Group Term Life Insurance can help reduce your burden on the community in time of need. All members may enroll in the Group Term Life Insurance plan. The Guaranteed Issue Term Life is available to those who enroll in the first month of enrollment for the cultural group. A member that declines coverage can apply at the next policy anniversary. That member will be required to complete a Simplified Issue Application in order to be approved for coverage by The Hartford.

Have all cultural claims been paid?

Yes, claims have been paid within 1 to 2 weeks after The Hartford has received completed claim forms and required documentation. Deaths that happen outside the United States require extra time to process because documentation needs to be obtained from the embassy.It is possible for claims to be denied based on plan provisions.

How are premiums paid?

The group receives a common billing for all members. Depending on your group, premiums can be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.

How is the premium rate determined?

The premium rate charged is determined based on the demographic makeup of the group being quoted. Such factors include: the number of members, average age, male-female ratio, and benefit level.

What about premium rate changes?

Individuals cannot be singled out for a rate increase. The Hartford reserves the right to change the premium rate table on any policy anniversary. This includes the right to change premium rates for a benefit that applies to all individuals of the same class, age, and sex. Premium rates will also change on the renewal date occurring on or next following the date an individual enters into a new age bracket.

Can our children be insured?

Yes, you may elect to cover your dependent children at an affordable rate. Your unmarried dependent children who are least 15 days old but under age 21, or under age 23 if a full time student, are eligible for coverage. Coverage for dependent children cannot be duplicated if both parents are covered under the policy as insured persons.
In Texas only, dependent coverage begins at birth, but not yet age 25, as opposed to 15 days.
In Washington only, dependent coverage begins at at least 15 days old but not yet 26; age 25, but not yet 26, and in full-time attendance to accredited institution.

Can my child be my beneficiary?

If any beneficiary is a minor, The Hartford may pay his or her share, until a legal guardian of the minor’s estate is appointed, to a person who at The Hartford’s opinion is providing financial support and maintenance for the minor. The Hartford will pay:

  1. $200 at your death; and
  2. Monthly installments of not more than $200

Payment to any person as shown above will release The Hartford from all further liability for the amount paid.

Can a member who belongs to multiple cultural associations have insurance coverage through The Hartford with more than one of those associations?

The Group Term Life Insurance Plan underwritten by Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company, only allows coverage under one Cultural Group Association.

Can a member decline coverage and then apply for insurance later?

A member that declines coverage can apply at the next policy anniversary. That member will be required to complete an application that includes health questions in order to be approved for coverage by The Hartford.

How does our group get the Cultural Group Term Life Insurance Plan started?

To obtain rate quotes, list on the Cultural Group Benefits Census Form all active members and the date of birth and gender for each of them.

You may download and email the Census Form to or print and mail the Census Form to Cultural Group Benefits, 6701 Upper Afton Road, Woodbury, MN 55125 or fax to 651.739.3265.

Click here for the Census Form.

For additional information, please visit or contact us at 651.287.3248

This document outlines the basic features of the insurance. All benefits are subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. Policies underwritten by Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company detail exclusions, limitations, reduction of benefits and terms under which the policies may be continued in full or discontinued. Complete details are in the Certificate of Insurance issued to each insured individual and the Master Policy issued to the policyholder. This program may vary and may not be available to residents of all states.

Underwritten by Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company, Hartford, CT 06155.

Life Form Series includes GBD-1000, GBD-1100, or state equivalent.


Not available in all states.

The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, Connecticut. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s legal notice at